Wheat-based Loryma food ingredients – Always an idea ahead R&D.

Industrial food production revolves around quality, flavour, appearance, and cost efficiency. The food ingredients, in the form of Loryma’s wheat proteins, wheat starches and wheat-based functional blends make an important contribution to contemporary and sustainable food production for food manufacturing companies. Continuous research and product development (R&D) represent an integral part of Loryma’s daily business, since this profound knowledge is an essential prerequisite for developing and realising new applications and solutions for the food producing industry.

Optimisation of industrially-produced food with food ingredients from the product development(R&D) at Loryma

Technological optimisation

Loryma’s wheat-based food ingredients help the food producers to manufacture cost-efficient end products. The functional wheat raw materials are stable during processing and fail-proof in their application. Thus they ensure a high degree of production safety.

  • Suitable, e.g. for sterile and pasteurised manufacturing processes
  • Easy application and a high degree of processing reliability, also with conventional machines
  • Optimum functionality of the wheat-based raw materials, e.g. thanks to
  • outstanding adhesion properties
  • heat and acid stability
  • freeze/thaw stability
  • baking and fermentation stability
  • emulsifying and stabilising properties

Sensory optimisation

Loryma’s wheat-based food ingredients ensure an appealing food appearance. This, in turn, results in a high degree of customer acceptance for the end consumer products. What is more, they also support the sensory properties as regards texture, flavour and mouth feel.

  • Optimised crunchiness, shape and colour
  • Texture and gelation
  • Stability and firmness
  • Creamy or crispy texture
  • Individual viscosity

Loryma Food Ingredients

Learn more about Loryma’s food ingredients or take up contact with us for more information. We are happy to consult you.

Development (R&D), product knowledge and consultation on wheat-based food ingredients from a single source.

Loryma experts in research and product development (R&D) for innovative food ingredients

The food industry is characterised by a high level of innovative capacity. New foods are continuously being developed to serve the ever-changing consumer requirements. With wheat-based food ingredients, Loryma provides natural ingredients for product optimisation, both as a producer and a supplier, in addition to being a partner and a consultant for food producing companies – and sometimes everything at the same time. Research and product development play a major role within this context. We realise new product ideas for and with our customers and accompany them until they are ready for the market.

As a manufacturer of highly functional, customer-specific blends, we develop products together with our customers, food producers. In the company-own research and development division, which has its focus on product development, experienced Loryma food experts create innovative wheat-based food concepts and individual, wheat-based food ingredients. It is this synthesis of research and product development, product knowledge and customer-focussed consultation that makes Loryma an innovative and reliable partner in the food industry.

Product development at the customer (R&D) with the food ingredients of Loryma – from the idea to market maturity

Mutual product development, from the initial idea to market maturity:

  • Analysis and definition of the individual customer requirements with regard to food ingredients
  • Consulting and product development, to achieve the end-consumer products’ objectives and mode of operation
  • Implementation of the innovation within the customer’s food production process